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19th February 2016 12:28:14 K-Zodron View post »
19th February 2016 12:45:51 K-Zodron View post »

Level 362
20th February 2016 09:11:03

Quoting Agger:
Quoting Leary:
I didnt understand the increase of shaman rock spell

Well I think its a good thing, considered that shaman dont really have a 2sec spell like warlocks/pyromancers.. Their buff sucks. Now that bravery got reduced its pretty much a shit class compared to any other mage. Rock Trust was hitting about 100-150 lower than Deathblow both classes same level and magic level. Now its the same.

Are you sure about 100-150dmg lower on rock thrust against death blow? I would love to see formula now, i am pretty sure not rock thrust max hit is higher than death blow.

Level 362
20th February 2016 09:12:53

Quoting El Viperz:
Quoting Leary:
Quoting Agger:
Quoting Leary:
I didnt understand the increase of shaman rock spell

Well I think its a good thing, considered that shaman dont really have a 2sec spell like warlocks/pyromancers.. Their buff sucks. Now that bravery got reduced its pretty much a shit class compared to any other mage. Rock Trust was hitting about 100-150 lower than Deathblow both classes same level and magic level. Now its the same.

yes, it does. I already played a lot with shaman and i can say its really op, without couting the new time of the trees what it summon, its really op. In my opinion shaman is a support class, focusing on trap, give paralyze, heal friends, and help on defense, with a regular damage. Now lets think about warlocks, dark spikes have a small time of duration, have curse on a single target, and a damage equal of shamans, a buff of vampirism magic what doenst count for anything. Just no logic here

I think it's a good change to bring shamans a little closer to the other mages. The trees have a cooldown of 20 minutes and is 1sqm smaller than a firewall (60 second cooldown), talking about heal other is nonsense when you cannot heal yourself or do any damage while using that spell (basically making you a HP flask) and a shamans paralyze is 1000% worse than a marksmans in comparison.

Also shamans have the worst buff among the mages and the only one that has a negative effect, also the new bravery formula in PvP is really heavily nerfed.

How is shamans para 1000% worse than marksman? You can easily avoid marksman paralyze, and u cant do much if u r getting damaged and having shaman in an edge of your screen. You dont always rehaste 0.5sec after paralyze

Level 252
20th February 2016 09:29:31

Quoting Baltas:
Quoting Agger:
Quoting Leary:
I didnt understand the increase of shaman rock spell

Well I think its a good thing, considered that shaman dont really have a 2sec spell like warlocks/pyromancers.. Their buff sucks. Now that bravery got reduced its pretty much a shit class compared to any other mage. Rock Trust was hitting about 100-150 lower than Deathblow both classes same level and magic level. Now its the same.

Are you sure about 100-150dmg lower on rock thrust against death blow? I would love to see formula now, i am pretty sure not rock thrust max hit is higher than death blow.

After doing a few small test I can say that the average damage is lower on a shaman and has a wider range than deathblow.

Also a shamans paralyze is on a huge cooldown unlike a marksmans 5 second cooldown paralyze, so if you use it at the wrong time or it does get hasted off you usually don't get another try that battle(this might just be a everath thing cause they usually log noob chars in straight after).
If I had a choice to have the current para or a aimed 5 second cooldown para I would pick the 5 second one all day.
Kiit Bolado

Level 730
20th February 2016 22:59:46

Quoting Labbadia:
Kz, Good morning!

First, Congratulations for new things in game.

Second, I want to report a bug in the new system of loot all open corpses.
When you have 8 corpses opened and u use the hotkey to loot all, some of thats corpse dont get the loot, and close the body. It seems you get the items, but if you open the corpses again, you can check the system failed with ~3 monsters everytime when you have 8 corpses opened.

Thank you.


Level 395
21st February 2016 16:32:33 (Last edited 21st February 2016 16:33:58)

Hello, I've did some counting on expertise potion.
I've used a jar of expertise(20minutes) while hunting valkyrie and counted normal hits and critical hits. I'm a warrior, no points on expertise talent
I may have missed a few criticals as I've did it manually, counted critical as the ones with text effect, every critical have text effect?

Normal hits: 517
Critical hits: 19

19/536 = 3,5%

Level 472
21st February 2016 16:34:10

I dont trust no one but The Baltas Formula, 8)


Level 65
22nd February 2016 07:19:03

From a new player's perspective,

I've been enjoying all aspects of the game so far and this update gave me a very good impression. The "loot all bodies" hotkey is a great idea but I have also noticed it sometimes skips some of the corpses if too many of them are open (5+) at the same time.

I had a nice surprise with this game and hopefully will be around to watch it blossom.

Desiree :)
Um Cinco Sete

Level 73
22nd February 2016 16:52:43

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot :\

Level 34
22nd February 2016 16:56:08

all game worlds are offline cus technical issue :smartass:
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