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12th December 2023 01:18:38 CM Mercury View post »

Level 200
8th December 2023 20:07:48

I came back after a few years to play the game

But I see that nothing has changed, playing solitaire is impossible, harassment by higher level players makes the game experience boring

I understand that pvp zones are made to kill players, but what sense does it make if a level 600 person consecutively kills a low level player?

the reason why I have been hunted "selling in the market"

Toxic players
W panda > Artorias Abyss
Malditada > Henricus The Loner
Secret Player

I would attach some screenshots but I have no idea how to do it.

enjoy your game

I think I'll uninstall this again

Level 213
8th December 2023 20:31:59

Unfortunely It is what It is
Community in this game is Very medíocre, not at ALL but in biggest part

Happy ending year
Arabe Poeta Sinistro

Level 411
8th December 2023 21:21:04

all elite members are toxic, also some ppl who speak spanish.
King front and his friends, W panda is cousin of king front, and those two have some friends. they are all toxic.

But is good to remember that have good players too.

Level 763
9th December 2023 05:08:35 (Last edited 9th December 2023 05:09:51)

Quoting Aioo:
I came back after a few years to play the game

But I see that nothing has changed, playing solitaire is impossible, harassment by higher level players makes the game experience boring

I understand that pvp zones are made to kill players, but what sense does it make if a level 600 person consecutively kills a low level player?

the reason why I have been hunted "selling in the market"

Toxic players
W panda > Artorias Abyss
Malditada > Henricus The Loner
Secret Player

I would attach some screenshots but I have no idea how to do it.

enjoy your game

I think I'll uninstall this again

But what Gm's should do?
You was on pvp area didnt you?
There's one reason to call pvp area, player can is enable to kill other player.

Im not telling that i agree with pks. I just think if you dont like pvp or dont be killed, just stay on safe zone. Just 1 Map randon is pvp. Just stay away.
Fire Darks

Level 19
9th December 2023 05:29:14

If you can't handle the random pk, join them, believe me, it is better to have them as allies than to have them as enemies and that way you will have allies who will be with you at any time, whether it is good or bad, because I will tell you this, the random pk are more faithful than you. same guild or friends

Level 200
9th December 2023 06:58:49

Quoting Nameless:
Quoting Aioo:
I came back after a few years to play the game

But I see that nothing has changed, playing solitaire is impossible, harassment by higher level players makes the game experience boring

I understand that pvp zones are made to kill players, but what sense does it make if a level 600 person consecutively kills a low level player?

the reason why I have been hunted "selling in the market"

Toxic players
W panda > Artorias Abyss
Malditada > Henricus The Loner
Secret Player

I would attach some screenshots but I have no idea how to do it.

enjoy your game

I think I'll uninstall this again

But what Gm's should do?
You was on pvp area didnt you?
There's one reason to call pvp area, player can is enable to kill other player.

Im not telling that i agree with pks. I just think if you dont like pvp or dont be killed, just stay on safe zone. Just 1 Map randon is pvp. Just stay away.

I understand about the PvP zones but my question is, what's the point of killing me? take me out of the cave to stay and level up ok that's fine I would understand but that wasn't like that

kill me for my items ok I lost yaghan pants, beetle bracer and finishing, I think that's not the reason they are cheap items

Killing myself for fun, what fun is it in killing a character with only a skill of 270 vs lvl 540+

kill me for being your enemy, at no time have I bothered anyone

After killing me multiple times you chat with me, poisoning me, the reason is because you are selling very expensive items on the market.

You are telling me that it would be impossible for me to play Pharos because it has no non-pvp zone restrictions.

kill senselessly just to be stronger

incredible logic of yours

Congratulations, you have more time than me to play and be stronger, I just hope you don't exterminate the few players who still remain.

Level 213
9th December 2023 09:33:38 (Last edited 11th December 2023 20:47:34)

let's be clear, @aioo you are right,
In the middle of this there is an issue of conflict of interests... it seems... not promoting so that the game doesn't grow, because that's what it is.
Growing in-balance between Europeans and Brazilians.

and in the middle of it all there are the complete kids

Level 502
9th December 2023 12:42:19

Killing other in PVP areas are allowed.
It is simple and should not be changed.
Zero Damage

Level 200
9th December 2023 13:05:35

Everyone has become a carebear.

If you're in a PVP zone expect PVP (IT'S EVEN A PVP ENFORCED ZONE :D)

Level 938
9th December 2023 17:05:33

Hello Aioo, don't be intimidated, this happens every day in any RPG unfortunately there are toxic people in real life and in virtual games
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