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25th April 2018 13:32:37 GM Quillon View post »

Level 174
25th April 2018 12:17:37

Multi client never should be legal, really

Level 472
25th April 2018 13:20:07 (Last edited 26th April 2018 01:11:55)


Level 118
25th April 2018 13:22:31

No merge please!
GM Quillon
Game Master

25th April 2018 13:32:37 (Last edited 25th April 2018 13:39:29)

Quoting Agron:
I am curious how standing afk in a boss spawn is classed as game weakness abuse? You gave me a warning for standing afk doing NOTHING at all...

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Standing at that circle spot isnt allowed? its a walkable tile and I am not blocking anything besides the mana drains.. Since when is having a character getting the mana drains not allowed? Its being done 24/7 in bliath and in Wanu but when I do it I get warned for it?

And after that you are searching for two more reasons to warn me to get me banned for 27 days;

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Its like you are on a witch hunt..

Like with a similar case of Dancore I want to get my ban removed and refunded for for lost time.


Also, you checked us before at wanu while I had deez nuggets getting mana drained instead of the other mages but you done nothing about it, I've had Deez Nuggets standing at Bliatheroith getting mana drained and you did nothing or said nothing about it, why now?

You are destroying the only bit of playerbase this game has for what reason?

Afking in boss is not somethimg bad, multiclienting is also allowed, but staying afk for 2.5 hours with 0 mana, to block mana draining, to protect other party members, to gain an advantage over other players (less financial expenses) was/is/will be classified as game weakness abusing. Once you guys found it, why nobody reported it? I do not see any report possible game weakness.

2nd/3rd warning
When you registered your account you accepted our Game Rules, which prohibit names that are offensive or unsuitable for children or a work environment are forbidden. Names may not be a random combination of letters, and they may not impersonate Zezenia Online Staff or game mechanics. Names that are in the form of a statement or sentence are forbidden. (Results in a namelock plus an automatic warning point.)

#Thread closed

Quoting Agron:

Also, you checked us before at wanu while I had deez nuggets getting mana drained instead of the other mages but you done nothing about it, I've had Deez Nuggets standing at Bliatheroith getting mana drained and you did nothing or said nothing about it, why now?

Just oversight before.

-- Quillon
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