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10th October 2023 20:59:15 CM Mercury View post »
11th October 2023 00:09:17 CM Mercury View post »
Sanguine Sanctum

Level 300
7th October 2023 14:36:53

Gathering Items Bag Problem (overdroping)

Possible Solution:
You guys have a Fishing Window in game, where you have a space for rod, bait and a fishing bag (which you can only put fished things), create a Gathering Window or implement the already existing Fishing to become Fishing/Gathering where you add a space for this new Brewing/Gathering Bag, when you drop the items or Gather them, it will be send to this bag
Super Man

Level 362
7th October 2023 18:57:04 (Last edited 7th October 2023 18:57:36)

Quoting Zimbz:
" I had already adapted to turning by holding the spacebar, and the keys (w,a,s,d), depending on where I wanted to throw the magic in front of me!
This has become a way to make it harder for me, I almost died on a hunt that is theoretically easy, because it is more complicated to use the ctrl than the spacebar (at least for me)! "

" the world does NOT revolve around you, think about it narcissist! "

Practice what you preach moron.
Such a hypocrite its not funny. You tell me the world doesnt revolve around me yet here you are asking it to revolve around you xDDD wtf is that? hahah "i have a dislocated/broken finger, so i need spacebar" <-- again world revolving around you?
The way you legit have an excuse for everything is mind boggling. Grow up.
Go watch that streamer that plays tibia with just his mouth, the actually disabled person. You dont see him crying everytime CIP changed something on him, he adapted and played the game he loved without bitching about it. Holy xD You are something else. .... you and your finger xDDD LOL

Now about your botting. You put this statement in your character after the first few ban waves happened. In which you did not stream before this. You streamed AFTER then ban waves. Lets be real.
You felt you had something to prove, why else would you put this in your comments?
2 reasons, and one of which is true.
Reason 1; you used the bot before the first ban wave flew out, in fear like all the rest (cause of using the bot in the past blah blah blah), people had fear they were going to be banned. You sir were one of them that had that fear. In turn you put this cracked statement in your character comment.
Reason 2; you are undermining the staffs decisions in the game towards macros and botters, so you are trying to get this msg to the staff to tell them what muscle memory and touch typing are.. as some of your friends were banned perma and you did not like it.

@Nameless for someone who keeps telling me on and on again in here, you are done speaking to me... you always comment. xD You're a cool guy luuch, I see how you help people in the game. Aside from you being an old botter, You do something positive for the game atleast. :)
I love how much you envy me.

See you soon ;)

Okay Amber, let's play Cronus!
Artorias Abyss

Level 200
8th October 2023 00:17:07

Quoting Invoker:
Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for the service that the staff has been doing, it is much more active, and much more news is coming than in the last 8 years, this is very good !!!

I'd like to know if it's possible to deactivate the target with the spacebar! I had already adapted to turning by holding the spacebar, and the keys (w,a,s,d), depending on where I wanted to throw the magic in front of me!
This has become a way to make it harder for me, I almost died on a hunt that is theoretically easy, because it is more complicated to use the ctrl than the spacebar (at least for me)!

They should make the default as SPACE but in options be able to change the key so something preferable
Tokan Sado

Level 1005
8th October 2023 14:25:34

About the gathering bag, just make it like a goodie bag. So we can pop them after we finish hunting.
Poke In Your Eye

Level 50
8th October 2023 15:40:16

Quoting Tokan Sado:
About the gathering bag, just make it like a goodie bag. So we can pop them after we finish hunting.

The contents of that bag should depend of at least few factors: Gathering level of the mob killer and Monster difficulty. It is impossible to make a stackable item with keeping that informations.
At this moment i cant see any difference if a 90lvl gathering player gets a bag or 30lvl gathering player. Contents are almost the same. These two things should be changed - first, the mess with gathering bags, second - sensible rewards.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

10th October 2023 20:59:15 (Last edited 10th October 2023 20:59:34)

Hi everyone!

Really glad with the positive feedback lately!

Quoting Gremar:
excellent update... little things make a difference :)
can i dream of a loot analyzer?

Like you said, small things make a difference!

You can always dream of things, maybe one day dreams will come true! ;)

Quoting The Borest:
Since you created the Atkar thing without the mouse, can you also create an app so that the ACC can hunt alone? while I sleep or work etc. I would appreciate it!! :) plz daddy Aitrack needs it ;(

No, the hotkey attack is just a quality of life improvement that has been requested by many. There will be no automated tools added to the game. Botting is still and will always be strictly prohibited!

Quoting Coreano Awk:
Omfg THANKS for that update! Our communitys been waiting for stuff like this since forever, you guys are doing such a great job walking side by side with us @staff, keep it up!!!

Just some improvements/problems i found this morning after the update.
The gathering bag should be consumed after we click on it, to avoid a massive number of bags hanging arond haha but thats just a personal opinion, this is already GREAT <3

Shout out to Marc Spector, Pantela and Sharetinho for helping me out with alot of suggestions <3

- Mark Jansen

In the future the collect bags will be looted but not collected to your backpack if you already have one.

Quoting Waldemaro:
Great job, but
Pressing the spacebar in fight mode now does not adjust the character's rotation, please add it back so that it can be set in the options. I always rotated with the space bar.

An option to choose rotate / target will be added :)

Best regards

Level 763
10th October 2023 21:45:50


Thanks for your answers. I think theses changes on Brewing bags and Battle/Character Rotation will be great.

Also, just to ask some small things.

- When we click on space and have just one monster, its cancel atack. Its possible to make space keep atacking this one moster?

- Battle will be improved about that order that we can choose? i mean, i prefer get first target of monster with more HP tham others.

- Have plans to custom hotkeys to change skills on other botton?

Btw, thanks for listen our ideas. We know that many players are waiting new season to come back to play. For sure these lasts updates make diference for our communit.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

11th October 2023 00:09:17

Quoting Nameless:

Thanks for your answers. I think theses changes on Brewing bags and Battle/Character Rotation will be great.

Also, just to ask some small things.

- When we click on space and have just one monster, its cancel atack. Its possible to make space keep atacking this one moster?

- Battle will be improved about that order that we can choose? i mean, i prefer get first target of monster with more HP tham others.

- Have plans to custom hotkeys to change skills on other botton?

Btw, thanks for listen our ideas. We know that many players are waiting new season to come back to play. For sure these lasts updates make diference for our communit.

Hi Nameless,

Space key attack will stay as it is for now. (minor changes coming today at SS with option to toggle rotate / target).
If you press it with only one monster around it will cancel the attack. It's a game mechanic to allow removing target if necessary.

Currently you can choose the target key to attack monsters based on HP or proximity, this means the HP of the monster and the proximity are the factors to choose from. If you would like to target a higher HP monster when pressing the key this is not an option currently since the sorting is done by lower hp first, but this can be added :)

Regarding spells and hotkeys, currently you can remap your hotkeys to a mouse using your mouse options, I doubt this will be an option in the client since most mice have this option built in.

Best Regards
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