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5th November 2015 13:00:26 K-Zodron View post »
7th November 2015 13:53:34 K-Zodron View post »

5th November 2015 05:44:05

Hello everyone!

Since the brewable potions appear to be less useful than hoped for, I thought we could make some quick tweaks for it and release them with the next update (4.6.0). Of course some discussion about what would be changed is in place before any decisions are made. I would prefer to alter the potions themselves, and not the ingredients or brewing difficulty, as that would make it a bit unfair for those who brewed a lot already.

My proposals for potion changes are as follows.

Light Potion
No changes. 20 minute duration, 1-5 sqm of light based on potion size.

Gathering Speed Potion
No changes to efficiency (3, 6, 9, 12, 15% based on size), but duration could be increased from 10 to 20 minutes.

Defense Potion
Any changes needed? Unsure...

Life Steal Potion
Increase efficiency from 2, 4, 6, 8, 10% to 3, 6, 9, 12, 15% based on size and increase duration from 15 minutes to 20 minutes.

Expertise Potion
Increase duration from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. Same efficiency as before (3, 6, 9, 12, 15% based on size).

Magic Defense Potion
Same efficiency (2, 4, 6, 8, 10% based on size), but duration increase from 15 minutes to 20 minutes.

Haste Potion
No changes.

Luck Potion
Increase duration from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Increase luck increase by 2x (from 5-25% to 10-50%).

Let me know what you think!
Ynnaf Zzij

Level 35
5th November 2015 06:19:58 (Last edited 5th November 2015 06:20:25)

it will be alot better but you took your time KZ, took your time.
the price of the products are so much tho

what about the change when you added the new noob island and gave everyone a Open Face Burgonet when they left and they went from around 70gp to 5gp and kept them in loot for some mobs!
action is needed!!

Level 506
5th November 2015 09:13:11

Light potion - Useless, why would you need a bigger amount of light at any times since you and monsters has a light already. This is only for coolness i guess?

Gathering speed - Was ok i guess, increasing time is always good for a potion which is ment to use while you gather which takes long time.

Defense potion - Useless as light potion. 5 def on a flask i don't even feel it on any of my character, that's a joke. If we barely feel +14 def on paladins buff why would you think this +5 would matter anything. Nothing below 10-15 would even matter. Tho i really think it should not give you defense but instead physical damage reduction, due to a reason we have magic resistance already, ofc with the small adjustments that defense pots are "cheaper" to make and require way lower brewing lvl to as well, it could be something like defense pot gives (flask) gives max 5-8% physical reduction.

Life Steal potion - Duration will always make everybody happy, life steal looks decent now but it wasnt horrible or good before.

Expertise potion - This is something what nobody rly wants to make either, another thought that instead of making the duration longer make it shorter by 4x and boost that potion so it would give us great chances for critical hits. Having a thought of actually making these potions would cross my mind if i would know that they last for 2-3 minutes and over half of my hits would be critical for those small critical moments i need them instead that i might see crit hits fly sometimes in longer time cuz nobody will hunt with any brewing pots anyways potions anyways.

Magic defense potion - This is fine.

Haste potion - This is fine.

Luck Potion - So basically it should work the same way as double loot event would be on right? Why i have the feeling it just wont do that lol... But well if it does then it's a potion worth to make i guess, tho it's very very very expensive and only thing you would ever make this for is bosses. Al thought it is called luck potion not guarantee potion.

Level 183
5th November 2015 11:56:29

Honestly I think there should be other potions to replace luck potions. Once you loot all in the game there isnt much more you can do. Luck potions will have people quitting at an earlier stage than they would have originally. And 2x seems like to much to have at any given time. Does this mean events will be 4x for people using potions? Experience potions would be better than luck potions.
Mighty Balmor

Level 406
5th November 2015 11:59:40

a major change in my opinion would be a change in gathering maybe more collects when you bust your skills

5th November 2015 13:00:26

With 2x I meant 2x from current rate, so the largest luck potion would increase luck by 50%, which is half of double loot event rate.

Level 257
5th November 2015 13:05:03 (Last edited 5th November 2015 13:07:03)

Sounds good, but what about a change so the pot doesnt affect products? atleast the products thats not even worth looting.

Also agree with Dancore about the buff and def pot, the extra def doesnt help much, the only part usefull of the buff is the extra health at risky situations.

Level 506
5th November 2015 13:52:29 (Last edited 5th November 2015 13:53:13)

Forgot to post here so im going to clarify to staff and im sure everybody agrees with me.

Brewing pots are something which helps you in special occasions like war fights, hunting bosses or doing quest or just testing for fun due to a reason ingredients are pricy. Brewing ingredients went up in price so high and will remain that high cuz they are indeed needed for brewing, so can there actually be changes (even more than this) to attract players to even make these pots for those special occasions we want them to be in. For obvious reasons if you make good changes the prices will go up even more cuz then people actually WANT to have brew pots with them for those moments.

They will be pricy, needed, wanted, players will buy cards, ultimate money sinkhole... Everybody happy. KZ gets cards and money sinkhole and players will get what they expected and want the brew pots to actually do what they're supposed to.

Somebody add JUST DO IT meme in here for KZ.

Level 362
5th November 2015 13:54:53 (Last edited 5th November 2015 14:02:01)

Luck potion is overall a fail. How much does it cost to make one? And how much u can earn for it in a long run?

Even after change u need 2 potions per h. And if its +50% in 1h u will loot the amount u would get in 1.5h. So basically u get loot for 30mins extra. To make it worth you should loot the price of 2pots in 30min on average.

Lets say u loot 100k gold worth loot per hour on average. With potions you gonna loot 150k worth loot on avg. How much does 2 potions costs?

If its 100k each it means u will waste 200k per h on pots to increase your loot by 50%. So if you are looting 500k/h then okay, you will get 50% extra which is 250k so it would worth. But if you cant get that, then luck pot will never be worth to use.

And after all, i am not a fan of any numbers for this potion. Maybe it could be changed to experience potion f.e. to increase it 50% for 40mins?

P.s. idk how much does luck pot cost.

Level 260
5th November 2015 14:09:10 (Last edited 5th November 2015 14:13:25)

Well! lets start with it! i used rly lots of those pots.. and there are two BIGS problems..
First to all - Creatures products.. They are hard or expensive to get.. so one solution can be remove them from Tasks collect's! and use them only for brewing! or add NPC for change items in those products..
FOR EXAMPLE : Magic resist Recipe can be trade for 2-3 Dwarfs magicians beards! ( remove them from buy offer in npc ofcourse ) and implement life steal from vampire's etc... it will be easy collect them by this way !

The second problem is -TIME of potions!- diference betwen empoules and flask is useless... ITs just a little strong! but that force you spend more products.. cuz empoules will be waste! one and the best way! is make them with SAME power.. empoules vials flasks etc.. but diferents times!!
about time problems.. potions are Not greats.. but not bad for hunt! but they are how i say.. mmm.. lots waste for notmuch diference...so times of potions should be change! ( not haste potion ofcourse ).. i will give you an example with two potions!
Magic resist potion cost 5 dwarfs magician beards.. for 20 minuts if i not wrong.. there is no point buy 15 beards + suggards etc for 75k for recover 5k max less waste, etc...or hunt 1 hour dwarfs magicians to get 3 potions MAX ( 1 hour hunt )
another example .lucky pot.. I cant get more than 5 products with one flask .. with 6 ppl hunting.. 7 flasks used to get Crystal wand...maybe if his those potions time are like x5 time than empoule but not more strong ppl will use them everytime... there are around 10ppl asking me everyday for buy potions... but my best prices cant be less than 75k-60k ea potion...that's why ppl are not using them! those potions are not going to change nothing.. ppl just want do every hunt with those potions! feel more stronger! ! I not going to say how potions should work...cuz i think they are balanced in effects (only lucky pot need rework) but about time.. i sure 100% is the solution!
little example. change magic resist from 20 minuts flasks for 20 minuts empoule with same defense as flask! and flask should be x5 time than empoule so.. flask will be 100 minuts! 5 dwarfs beards for 100 minuts? everybody will use them !! same with all pots! ( not haste )

Send 11/08/2015 ...

I hope someone from ely or platon post about demonic berry's quest.. Cuz aparently you are not going to hear someone from everath...
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