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Level 19
15th April 2014 18:57:33 (Last edited 15th April 2014 19:00:20)

Alas! It is finally time to begin the step of implementing new spawns into the next major map update! Unfortunately, we are unsure exactly what types of spawns that the players value most, as well as what they would like to see more of. So this is your chance to get your feedback in!

Before we begin this process, we would like to have a suitable list of spawns that players have suggested to add. This could include anything from chickens, to ghost dragons... however, some creatures may not be suggested due to the environmental factors, such as ice creatures and others that could not survive in warmer climates. (Have to be considerably logical here)

As such, you are free to suggest any grassland creatures, cave dwellers, and even desert creatures (for there is a new desert area being introduced as well).

Abide by these Thread Rules:
- This thread is for the suggestion and implementation of creature spawns ONLY.
- As you know, insults are forbid. Simply debate a topic, not call each other profane terms.. trolls will be punished, however.
- Posting content other than a spawn suggestion/debate of spawn, or related to such, may result in punishment.
- Don't post about increasing / decreasing current creature spawns. That's the whole point of bringing in new areas to find them.
- Don't suggest spawns that have ALREADY been considered or mentioned. (Debating size, demand, and details are ALLOWED however)
- Do NOT ask to contact a GM to explain further about a suggestion. The whole point of this thread is to lead around that issue.

Again, keep this thread related to spawn suggestions!

Already considered spawns:
* Animals, such as wolves, dogs, chickens (mostly for decoration in towns, but still listable)
* Gnomes
* Swarms / Creeps / Bugs / Spiders / Spiderlings / Pillbugs
* Dragons / Fire Beings
* Orknies
* Werebears
* Golems
* Ents
* Giant Earthworms
* Lions
* Horned Dragons
* Ghouls
* Cave Crabs/Crabs
* Obsessed Monks
* Punishers / Dreadlords / Raging Curses
* Rogue/Bandit/Thug/Thief ...humans, etc...
* [Possible] Ghost Dragons

You are allowed to debate about any of the above mentioned spawns as well, for we would like to know the player demand of each, as well as size suggestions. Not entirely sure about current sized spawns. You are, however, in no way limited to just these; suggest and debate some of your own ideas too!

List will be updated every so often, when a suggestion has been confirmed.

So get suggesting! C:
Purple Day

Level 43
15th April 2014 19:18:36

This thread sounds good.

My spawn suggestion is about Leprechauns. This creature is one of the most important when you are needing to increase your balance. Players from level 20 to 50 are still hunting and there are only one spot (and it isnt for premium players).

Congratulations for your work!

Level 77
15th April 2014 19:19:51

I think a good suggestion is to decrease the distance of the hunting grounds in Zezenia , that makes too much riding on the road and only have monsters totally unable to be practiced hunting , another annoying thing is the cave with random levels of difficulties such as the nocturne path that passes you by various monsters where the level of difficulty is just getting aleoatorio and nonsensical , because never been a level 20 will hunt the spawn of melkets which has in the way of nocturne , because for this he must pass by Raging Curse , Lions , Golems , Punisher Orcs and Wizards ...

Another point distance are the dragons in crystal, which leaves you being a powerexperience because you walk too close to each other ..

now should have a better spawn of azure dragons because, as Colossals Golems only has a virtual hunting ground . (I suggest creating another spawn )

creating another spawn to Colossal Golems , because currently only has one location , which makes fights for those who have mastered the local hunt , create new points with this creature would make the game better ...

another spawn of nocturne would also be very welcome , and an improvement in the spawn of demons , as do task demon is highly stressful because you have to the best hunting ground of hope for the demon spawn to continue your hunt !

Level 16
15th April 2014 19:20:30

I think a new respawn of Mammoths is needed. There's currently only one therefor is pretty hard to do their tasks.
Kosiarz All

Level 589
15th April 2014 19:23:19

demons, nocturnes in 1 spawn
ghost dragons and other monsters in 1 spawn (good spawn)
create respawn hard monster for h lvl players
Vulture Claw

Level 209
15th April 2014 19:37:05

Leprechauns, have only one spawn
Punishers, bad place (have others creatures)
Mammoths, have only one place

/only those in my opinion.

Level 174
15th April 2014 19:41:18 (Last edited 15th April 2014 22:19:06)

Quoting Kurtius:
I think a new respawn of Mammoths is needed. There's currently only one therefor is pretty hard to do their tasks.

The mammoths will be change to an ice place, and very probaly will get some upgrate.

Very nice Gullalene!
You know my ideas.. But ill post here for anothers players check it too.

> Well, my first idea is do a magic island or something like it, where the players can find good spawns of Leprechaun, Gnomes, Satyr, etc..
>Second, do some changes in the map, like Colossal Golems in Desert area.
> some builds for monster type humans, for example houses and towers for Cutthroats and Marauders in the ice mountains.
> Some peaceful creatures in the city, dogs, penguins, ladybug, cutebug, etc..
> A big village of bandits, dark rangers, Thief, etc.. (good place to low levels hunt)
> A death zone, with some nocturnes, dracolichs, obessed monks, xyoquan ents and beetles, vampires... (like the caotic catacombs)

*This thread can be edited at any time.


Level 155
15th April 2014 19:53:13

Add in some ladybugs/cutebugs with the city animals, I enjoy killing them along with the dogs :)

Scorpions and cobras would be nice to have large amounts in the new desert area, I enjoy collecting the "useless" collectables plus they are easy quick exp for lower levels

Xyioquan Beetles would be nice also as there is really not any large huntable spawns for them, but not a priotity as they arent super useless in terms of drops.

Another (or just a really large) spawn of Regular Colo Golems would be nice, as it can be a pain to task when only one person (or team) to hunt them.
Mr Renegado

Level 329
15th April 2014 20:00:37


pre-historic mammoths...
as we all also know mammoths survive in the cold.
not only in warm environments!


Level 252
15th April 2014 20:07:24 (Last edited 15th April 2014 20:08:21)

I'm going to suggest a few here.

Mammoths (Only one spawn and really far away, making the task out of bounds most of the time)
Colossal Golems (Same as above)
Azure Dragons (Same as above)
Raging Curses
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