
Level 275
14th January 2024 01:30:28

Hello, my proposal is very simple, I saw that many hunting areas have been improved, and I am receiving a lot of tasks from demons and orc commander at the moment, and I realized that these creatures need a more improved hunting place, as the existing place is already very outdated, it is very tedious and time consuming to do these demon and orc commander tasks, and several other players agree with me. Thanks!
Deixando Claro

Level 202
14th January 2024 04:10:55

Demons ARE ok in my opinion, i hate orc commanders task too.
And I think Geltharian Dire Boar of quagvill should increase the amount of monsters. It's so fun. But it's really easy to broken the spawn. Maybe some below ground huge tunnel or put more monsters. Please
Disturbed Maverick

Level 208
14th January 2024 16:22:20

Quoting Vogane:
Hello, my proposal is very simple, I saw that many hunting areas have been improved, and I am receiving a lot of tasks from demons and orc commander at the moment, and I realized that these creatures need a more improved hunting place, as the existing place is already very outdated, it is very tedious and time consuming to do these demon and orc commander tasks, and several other players agree with me. Thanks!

Agree. Both are really bad to do tasks.