
Level 200
22nd November 2023 18:57:39

Dear Zezenia community,

I don't believe in any staff feedback, so maybe we could figure things out together.
For me and for many people things are not so clear, so let's give it a try.

Please keep this thread only Questions and Answers.
Don't insult each other, don't come with crying, don't give ideas what should be.

Let's speak only about facts.

My first questions would be:

- What is skills converse ratio? I know about 100 skill cap. But which skill is needed at Cronus to have it 100 after transfer as well?

- What about magic level? Does it stay the same or also converted?

Quoting Administration:

- Only Premium Shop items, outfits, pets, collectibles and container items can be transferred. Other inventory & depot contents are lost on transfer.

- Does it mean that we can keep all collectibles, such as silver ores, demonic matters, goblin cell keys etc.?
- Do premium cards count as premium shop items or they should be exchanged for scrolls and so?
- Do quivers means container items?

If you have answers or more questions, please let's speak about it.
Zero Damage

Level 200
22nd November 2023 20:47:17

- What about magic level? Does it stay the same or also converted?

I can answer that one, magic level is 1x so you keep whatever magic level you have, it's been like this on all seasonals.

I would add, Do you keep the Fishing, Gathering and Brewing skill?

Level 339
23rd November 2023 11:36:29 (Last edited 23rd November 2023 11:51:29)


Very good initiative :D

Quoting Inappropriate:

- Does it mean that we can keep all collectibles, such as silver ores, demonic matters, goblin cell keys etc.?
- Do premium cards count as premium shop items or they should be exchanged for scrolls and so?
- Do quivers means container items?

Regarding this, from interpretation and past season experience, I think:
- Everything that has its Type on tooltip set as "Collectible" will be transferred. Depending on how that's programmed, maybe even the Clawed boots will be transfered (if not just a visual bug on its tooltip).
- Cards, coins and everything they can buy will be transferred.
- Yes, quivers are considered containers and will be transfered.

Keep in mind that this is my opinion and it might be wrong.

Edit: formatting issues


Level 200
23rd November 2023 12:58:36

Quoting Pantela:

Very good initiative :D

Quoting Inappropriate:

- Does it mean that we can keep all collectibles, such as silver ores, demonic matters, goblin cell keys etc.?
- Do premium cards count as premium shop items or they should be exchanged for scrolls and so?
- Do quivers means container items?

Regarding this, from interpretation and past season experience, I think:
- Everything that has its Type on tooltip set as "Collectible" will be transferred. Depending on how that's programmed, maybe even the Clawed boots will be transfered (if not just a visual bug on its tooltip).
- Cards, coins and everything they can buy will be transferred.
- Yes, quivers are considered containers and will be transfered.

Keep in mind that this is my opinion and it might be wrong.

Edit: formatting issues


Hey, thanks for feedback.
I think it’s not fully right tho. Coins surely won’t be transferred. You can buy it for like 50k very often and they said that all money will be exchanged for noble zezenia coins in ratio 300 k = 1 coin (that is 6 times worse ratio that I usually buy coins for).

Level 201
23rd November 2023 13:00:17 (Last edited 29th November 2023 10:26:28)


Level 200
23rd November 2023 23:04:20

Quoting Archimonde:
My question is:
how many characters can be transfered by one account?
One account - one character, or two characters, or no limit?
What is minimul lvl to transfer: 100? or no minimum limit, so i can transfer even lvl 40?

These questions are rather easy to answer.
You can transfer so characters with no lower limit of level. You can transfer even 17 level ;)

Level 339
24th November 2023 02:16:20

Quoting Inappropriate:

Hey, thanks for feedback.
I think it’s not fully right tho. Coins surely won’t be transferred. You can buy it for like 50k very often and they said that all money will be exchanged for noble zezenia coins in ratio 300 k = 1 coin (that is 6 times worse ratio that I usually buy coins for).

Yeah, my mistake :P
Forgot about the coin / gold swap

Maybe I need a refresh on the rules set at the beginning before, sorry about that xD
Buster Bunny

Level 298
6th December 2023 19:42:20

i would like to know what will happen to your already existing noble zezenia coins and the daily boss ores that the characters have. Will they be transfered equally?

Level 200
6th December 2023 20:08:10

Quoting Lola Bunny:
i would like to know what will happen to your already existing noble zezenia coins and the daily boss ores that the characters have. Will they be transfered equally?

- Zezenium ores are preserved on transfer.

noble coins... I would asume they are going to be deleted considering your kk's will me transfered to coins at 300k rate. If you would be able to empty your balance on noble coins before that their 300k transfer wouldnt make any sense.

Level 97
8th December 2023 20:37:40

This forge and
This Zezenia ores to me is legit bs
This game sometimes made me laugh
Is so small and tiny
So focused in only a hobby to the owners waste our investment in such... Why the hell i AM wasting my time here.
Ofc we're ALL good nerds that love some nerd things.
But the equation is Very unbalanced for the real live workers.
Fuck off
I Go back to prense my vegan Xis.
Poor souls! Xd