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Level 44
18th March 2012 12:43:51 (Last edited 24th March 2012 12:53:01)

Congratz, you have reached the forum!
Dear newcomers,
Recently, I have seen quite a few newcomers complaining about getting constantly pk'ed and losing money, like dylor, also unable to reach higher level and basicly getting stucked at a rat circle.
I do not blame you, actually, you are too uninformed about the possibilities of not getting pked - spawns that are unusually visited by randomers. Problem is - most of the people up to 30 level only knows 5 spawns, 3-4 of which are rated as HIGHLY risky places, often visited by pk's. I would suggest avoid these spawns:
1) North east of culthan orknie spawn so called ''big orknies''. (HIGHEST RISK)
2) East of culthan orknies so called ''small orknies''. (HIGH RISK)
3) Northern ''bandits camp''. (HIGH RISK)
4) North east ''dwarves spawn''. (HIGH RISK)

All these places are dangerous. Very dangerous. Especially orknies because most of you are trying to get richer there.

- but I am very low level, only here I can exp and get cash, if it is too dangerous here, what can I do??! I QUIT!

No, stop right there! The map is big enough for everyone. There are 5 cities, all of them full of spawns, with various weak and strong monsters. You will have to know how cities are called and where are they located. THIS IS WORLD MAP http://i.imgur.com/9JRg1.jpg Here I will list some spawns where you could go:

1) Paladin Tower orknie generals (coordinates: between humwich and culthan) (BELOW NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (recommended level 15+) comment: Good as exp and as money, possibility to loot normal items.

2) Sand melkets (coordinates: Far east from culthan, between caerfa and culthan) (NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (recommended level 15+) comment: beware of soldiers, otherwise great place.

3) Caerfa giant beetles (Coordinates: right to the north from depot of caerfa) (LOW RISK, DO NOT GO -3) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 20, skill 25) comment: good money, possibility of looting good items.

4) Orc Fortress (coordinates: Far north east of culthan) (HIGH RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 20, skills 20+) comment: very good experience

5) Lepprecauns (coordinates: Far south from humwich) (NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 15, skills 20)
comment: The best money making monster

6) Caerfa ghouls (coordinates: Far south east of caerfa) (LOW RISK, DO NOT GO -3) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 20, skills 25+)
comment: decent money, possibility of looting normal items.

7) Caerfa ents (coordinates: Far south west from caerfa) (LOW RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 15, skills 15+) comment: Normal money.


I hope you have expanded your knowledge and seen the places I have recommended and now, as we are moving forward, I will start telling coordinates, using the ones previously shouted.

8) Caerfa obsessed monks (coordinates: south of caerfa ents) (LOW RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (recommended level 20+, skills 20+)
comment: drops some gold, possibility of looting a better bow.

9) Culthan dark monks ( beneath bandit fortress in north of culthan) (NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (recommended level 15+, skills 15+)
comment: drops some gold, much meat, possibility of looting a better wand.

10) Orc village (coordinates: East of culthan) (LOW RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 10+, skills 15+)
Comment : A good place to hide from pk's, in the middle there is temple with protection zone. Usually not bad exp, average gp.

11) Humwich orknies ( coordinates: Far south east of humwich) (NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 15+, skills 20+) comment: very large spawn, enough for several people, so you could bring your friends here. Good exp, good gp, possibility of looting normal items.

12) Ooze (coordinates: north of orc fortress) (NORMAL RISK, careful in lower levels) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 10+, skills 10+)
Comment: very weak defense monsters. Most of players get their max hit on these monsters. Drops average gold.

13) Variety of monsters, melkets, obsessed monks, giant beetles (coordinates, west of paladin tower orknie generals) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 20+, skills 25+, depends on where you want to hunt, all spawns are close to each other)
Comment: Spawns are quite crowded, so be a bit more careful. GB's - good gp, possibility to loot good items. Melkets - average gp, possibility of looting normal items, obsessed monks - average gp, possibility of looting a better bow.

15) Caerfa Dwarves (coordinates: west of caerfa) (NORMAL RISK) (PREMIUM NO) (Recommended level 20+, skills 30+)
Comment: Quite crowded. Possibility of looting good items, average gp.

Here I listed only 7 spawns. Only Orc fortress is very risky, but other ones are quite good.

-I have read your stupid thread, but I am new, these names of places says nothing, but words to me! HELP ME FIND THEM!

Oh here, if someone would upload way, i`d be glad to edit them, BUT, here comes your communication abilities and possibility to find friends. Start asking people, who, what, where? Try finding some nice people, they are not gone, they are there, ready to help you, when you call for help. But also, beware, some people might try to use you by luring you out.


Hope this helped some, coming up - places for newcomers in premium land.

Okay, so you can avoid being pk'ed by just purchasing premium cards, despite all its unique features, its quite expensive, but if you are able to purchase it, here are some places I would like to point out where you should go:

1) Ben Qarassih Giant beetles (coordinates: north of boat, around the rock to the east) (LOW RISK, do not enter -2) ( PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 20+, skills 25+) comment: Easy spawn, usually not more than 1 gb per time, good gp, possibility to loot good items)

2) Bersund undeads (coordinates: North of the city) (LOW RISK, recommended to avoid -3) (PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 20+, skills 30+) comment: There are various undead creatures, some stronger, so be careful. Basicly, good gp.

3) Goblins (coordinates: North of bersund) (LOW RISK) (PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 20+, skills 25) comment:
Careful for berserkers, they are hitting hard. Goblin berserker ears are demanded on market, so you can make quite some money from it.

4) Dwarves (coordinates: West from bersund) (LOW RISK) (PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 20+, skills 30+) comment:
Dwarves are easy and good gold, dwarf magicians are harder to kill, but drop various good items.

5) Ben qarassih melkets, usually called -3 (coordinates: North of ben qarassih) (HIGH RISK) (PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 20+, skills 30+) comment: Very good exp place, also possibility to loot normal items.

6) Ben qarassih orknies (Coordinates: north west of Ben qarassih) (LOW RISK, avoid going -2) (PREMIUM YES) (recommended level 15+, skill 15+) comment: good gp, possibility to loot normal items

So go purchase your premium and start hunting right away, good luck getting loot


I guess many of you are concerned what equipment should you wear, what is expensive, what is obtainable and such on. Here I will post few more things and guide you, my young fellow traveller newcomer zezenian.


[level 5-10] - just after you have passed sakanrell, the highest priority in your choice of upgrading item from your inventory should be weapon, no doubt. Probably most of you have Axe. Go hunt creeps under mana shop. Collect money.
Recommendable weapon: Battle hammer, Long sword or Double axe. All three weapons do not cost over 5k. The cheapest is battle hammer. When you obtain it, now you can go kill bandits easier.

[level 10-20] - now when you have gained couple levels, you would like to hunt something stronger. To hunt something better, for example orknies and generals, you must improve your blocking abilities. The highest priority that should occur in your mind first, is shield.
Recommendable shield: Kite shield, large infantry buckler, beetle shield. All of them are in order from weakest to strongest. I strongly recommend to buy as good shield as possible, without investing money in other equipment such as armor. Beetle shield would be perfect, but hunting with large infantry buckler wouldnt be as bad.

[level 20+] - now you have gained few more levels and few more skills, probably you would like to start hunting giant beetles, for that you should first of all train and improve the rest of your equipment.
Recommendable equipment: Better weapon (faster exp per hour), better armors (bigger profit). In my opinion, doing bigger profit is better. So I suggest you buying; brass legs, great helmet, battered knight armor or silver armor, leather boots ( obtainable through quest level 15+ in Richard), copper amulet, 2 golden rings, leather gloves and golden bracelet.

Conclusion: after following these steps, you are not anymore a newb and your equipment is already good enough to continue prospering your character to highscores! You can achieve more and more by improving your equipment and upgrading your skills and level. Random pk's, such as rangers and warriors, shouldn do as much harm as before.


[level 5-10] - you just passed sakanrell. First thing you should do, go purchase an ember wand and invest the rest of your money in mana ampoules. Now head north, beneath culthan are melkets, usually pk-free place, there you would gather your money and gain exp.

[level 10-20] - now you`re a little stronger and you can start thinking about improving your wand. Usually just buy Heat staff, which are found in market for around 3k each. After this, you can start thinking about going to lepprecauns.

[level 20+] - as you have gained even more strength, it is time to make you less vulnerable to monster attacks. Attention! Your highest priority is better wand still. If you have followed given instructions and hunted in lepprecauns, you should be able to purchase a crystal wand, maybe even winged. Do not use winged rod anywhere HIGH RISK location ( read above), to avoid losing it. Also get a better shield, large infantry buckler would do the trick. Also gaining a couple defendings, like from 1 to 5, would also support your life.

Conclusion: now you are good to go. You are ready for stronger and stronger monsters and random pks should feel threatened by you more than you threatened by them. Good luck!


[level 5-10] - start is pretty much the same. As you should go hunt creeps under mana shop to get some gold and get ornate bow. Only it because the rest you will need for arrows. The best thing to do, hunt with boomerang and save your money, grow your skills.

[level 10-20] - probably you are a bit bored of getting 5 levels in such a slow exp place, but now its gonna be better. Right now you can do better healing and should start thinking about going dwarves. Buy few health vials, just in case, and head there. Collect your money and gain experience way faster than you gaining before.
Recommendable equipment: Now if you have still ornate bow, I would suggest buying these Compositiwe bow, hunter bow, crossbow.
Usually all of them are below 6-7k in market. ATTENTION! Crossbow uses bolts, hits twice slower, but 150% harder! It is good for hunting monsters that you are one hitting. It also works like 2 arrows, if we speak about train system. Do not upgrade your armors too much, probably it wont feel as much, rather just emptying your pockets.

[level 20-30] - I strongly suggest camp lepprecauns and them only or mostly. Rangers need a lot of things - health vials or health shots, arrows or bolts, mana ampoules and food. If you make yourself some extra money, you wont depend on deaths so much.
Recommendable equipment: Mongol bow. Also now, you could improve your equipment with battered knight armor, brass legs, great helmet.

Conclusion: Probably it was a bit harder in the beginning, but now it will be easier and easier, as you gain skills and levels. Dont forget crossbow because with it, you can do quite fast exp in orc fortress and get quite nice dist. Random pk's especially mages, should be no threat to you anymore.


a) always carry a few health potions with yourself. Do not completely rely on spell healing, since you are not healing too much while having a low level, few health vials or health shots during hard situations while hunting, especially freezes and when being attacked by player, can save your life and your equipment. I usually would suggest to bring at least 10 of these.

b) Search for a reliable and active training partner. Melee and distance is one of the index that describes your success in-game, strongly influencing your rpg life. The bigger it is, the stronger monsters you can hunt, the better exp and the more profit you gain. Training is not a hard task. Few tips how to train. Firstly, head to market or ask a premium player to get you a wooden stick or a tiny boomerang, which are the weakest melee and distance weapons available right now. Then take good equipment with yourself, but avoid taking many things in bag, just to not lose too much in case. Find a isolated training spot, preferably near the water, so you could increase your food supplies by fishing. Create a party, so that you avoid pz (#party, to invite player, right click on your right in party window -> invite player). Blood hit your training partner every 30 seconds, if you want to make it as efficient as possible. Dont deal too much damage to heal less. You can stay afk while training. Create food or arrows.
If you want to train on monster, change target every 30 seconds.

c) Carry barrels. They work like an unwalkable item. It helps you keep yourself distant from enemies or even legit from certain situations. Nevertheless, it easens stairhoping monsters, so put one ahead of you, in order to not walk more than 1 sqm from stairs accidently.

d) Dont join parties of untrustable people. Its not only that they might start attacking you, but also if you fight back, they can use a bug and leave party while fighting, making you red skulled.

e) Always check market. There might be various offers, some of which you might find attractive and suitable.

f) Visit Warzone. Use mana ampoules to increase your fighting skills. Prepare yourself for any possible fight in the future.

g) Start collecting information about possible subvocation. The more you get, the better and precise decinion you can make in your further rpg life. Choose wisely! YOU CAN ONLY CHOOCE SUBVOCATION ONCE!

h) If you are a ranger, carry both, bow and crossbow in your bag. Crossbow comes in handy when you need to kill monster by stairhoping.

f) If you are a mage, do not forget simple thing. Shoot more frequently offensive spells. Most of newcomers are doing less damage per x ammount of time because they are comboing create with wand and spell. Wand hit arrives every 1.5second and instant offensive spells have 1 second cooldown. So in 2 wand hits you can shoot 3 spells. Be aware of it and hunt faster.

h) do not spam hotkeys. It gives nothing but exhaust.

i) if you are in a trap, always remember, it takes almost no time to push a player. One of unique zezenia`s feature is easy player pushing.

That`s it for now. Have a nice day!


This subtopic should not completely stand for newcomers, after all, 30 level required. There are several fansites, really good ones, with much information about items and subvocation spells. Here I will shout general opinion about subclasses, their advantages and disadvantages, where to start quest and so on.

You start the quest by saying challenge. Then you start following NPC instructions. I do not want to spoil what to do and how, it is fun to investigate yourself. If you get stucked, you can always reply in this thread.

Warriors subvocations

Barbarian - you start this quest at veldroc, north east from goblin mountain east exit, between goblin mountain and graham tavern (btw Graham sells food with a little discount).

Advantages: It is fast, cheap hunting, better damage in PVP or PVM. Can locate people.
Disadvantages: Its very vulnerable, due to HP debuff, no advantages in training (like paladins heal friend spell), barbarian can not block very strong monsters or it requires very high level/skills.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00001.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html
I wont promote any of these, check both.

conclusion: It is pvp voc. Do not take it as your first subvocation. Wait until you are more experienced.

Paladin - starts in paladin tower, top floor. NPC Raymond.

Paladins advantages - heals more, blocks strongers monsters, due to strong buff, dies harder in war/from random pk, usually gets really good skills due to heal friend spell, which allows you to train frequently, runs quite fast ( not faster than barbarians frenzy)

Paladins disadvantages - loses few melee skills while casting debuff, usually lacks of damage, but due to hard training sessions, can easily catch up barbarians damage. Basicly, flawless subvocation.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00004.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: Very good starting subvocation. I recommend you very much to try it. You will be able to see and kill more monsters around the world, hunt with fun, block in team hunts and such.

Ranger subvocations

Rogue - starts at Roger, Far north west of culthan, going all the way through ents, later ghouls, later oozes, reaching a hole in west and keep going west.

Advantages: has stealth, high damage with both buff and spell, no HP debuff, can avoid hits and hunt in peace.

Disadvantages: lacks speed, stealth spell is still buggy, can not conjure bolts, but basicly very few disadvantages.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00007.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: PVP voc, very good one. Probably better start off with rogue if you are a ranger.

Marksman - Starts at Walter, north of culthan, same way to ents, but then you go around through a bridge on your south east.

Advantages: Is faster than usually, can conjure bolts, buff lasts longer enabling to hunt easier, you can burn opponents mana and avoid death.

Disadvantages: Is very vulnerable, due to HP debuff, buff does not give as much distance, burning mana is subjective spell compared to evasion(rogues spell) and in comparison and taunt is harder to use.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00003.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: more like PVM voc, only taunt is pvp spell. Most of rangers prefer rogue over marksman.

Mage subvocations

Shaman - you start Gatiras, on the mountain south east of culthan, pass the goblins, west from paladin tower.

Advantages: Can be very fast, heals friends, buff increases much hp, spells cost fewest mana, can summon monsters and paralyze, cheapest hunting spell stalagmite, best mage for team hunt.

Disadvantages: Mana debuff, due to spell, actually I do not know if there are any more disadvantages, almost flawless subvocation.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00008.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: if you take a mage, for sure take shaman. Its the best mage subvocation no doubt, same as warrior paladin.

Warlock - You start at Irtugon, in a tower with obsessed monks, south of cuthan, pass the bridge, keep heading south east and go around the goblin mountain and then west.

Advantages: Can locate people, cast vampiric buff, anti-exiva, physical buff that removes 20% damage received, can cast debuff on enemies, making them more vulnerable. Subvocation hunting spell leeches HP.

Disadvantages: buff is not strong, damage is equal to shaman. Lacks useful spells.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00009.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: The second subvocation you could take as a mage would be warlock. Quite easy vocation at low level.

Pyromancer - You start at Feranzo. South west of culthan, just head west and you will find a hole. Go to the lowest level east.

Advantages: Very strong buff, can cast stealth, Teleport, can avoid hit. Casts strong combination of spells. Has the strongest hunting spell.

Disadvantages: Buff leeches mana when hit, usually expensive subvocation, only AoE spells, meaning its hard to fight in a team/team hunt, lacks spells.

Spells: http://zezenia.pl/en/spells/00005.html or http://zezeniajournal.netau.net/Classes.html

Conclusion: Do not take this subvocation unless you are really rich and experienced.

Go get your subvocation tiger

Yours sincerely,

Level 27
18th March 2012 14:04:52 (Last edited 18th March 2012 14:05:19)

A good tip would be also to start playing non-pvp untill lvl 20 or something to learn the basics and also to learn all the places ^^

(Like I did)

Level 44
18th March 2012 20:24:20


Level 103
18th March 2012 20:31:20

Don't listen to this guy!! He is just telling you were to hunt so he can easily find you and kill you.

Just kidding, nice tips indeed. [=

Level 44
19th March 2012 12:33:48

Edited once more. I must keep it on topical news.
Hidden Warrior

Level 31
19th March 2012 18:55:12

Good tips! Thanks for doing it :)

Level 44
19th March 2012 23:04:41

TIPS FOR YOU section has been added. Read carefully.

Level 44
23rd March 2012 10:19:49

Subvocations added.

Level 57
23rd March 2012 14:33:06

nice job on all the tips

Level 18
28th April 2012 13:21:22

Hey guys, how to get to Humwich Lepprecauns spawn? I don't know how to pass the mountain between Caerfa and Humwich. >.>
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