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We're planning to release a new game world soon!

A new game world will be released, called Pharos. After some thinking, we came to the conclusion that a speedrate PVP server is the way to go for now. Other server types are not forgotten, though, and will be considered in the near future as well. The exact experience stages are not yet fully decided, so more feedback on that front is not too late yet!

A new server gives an opportunity, for both old and new players, to compete for the most success in a fair environment.

The game world will be opened on 16th December.

The server will be located in North America (East). We consired the option to host in Europe, but the European player counts and the decent connectivity from Europe to North America made us decide to go with another North America server instead.

Character creations for this world have already begun, so you can reserve your character name and prepare for the launch right now!

Zezenia Online Staff
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