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Zezenia Online version 5.4.0 containing the all-new jungle-inspired continent has been released! The new area brings many new monsters and quests with it, which of course leads to new items and graphics as well. For exact details about the update read the changelog at the end of this announcement.

To play you must first update your client. If the automatic ingame patcher does not work you can redownload the game client from the website's Download section.

If you find any bugs or other game weaknesses, don't hesitate to report them to us either on the forum or via e-mail to support@zezeniaonline.com!

Have fun in Zezenia,
Your Zezenia Staff

Quoting Changelog 5.4.0:
- Added a new continent, Aranagua, with the city Vevay and the area Perileu.
- Added 11 brand-new monsters.
- Added a number of new quests and items.

- Death losses (experience, manaspent, skills) are reversible at temple NPCs for a fee of 450 gold per level (level at time of death). Only deaths caused by monsters are reversible. This doesn't only mean the last hit, but overall damage prior to the death!
- Some ground tiles now have variable speeds, meaning your character will be either slower or faster when walking on them.
- New outfit pieces: some for all, some via quests, some available when you have enough achievement points.

- Made the Lyedel area accessible to free accounts, via both the Poor Quarters boat NPC and Gulshan Village.
- Changed blessing price from 10 premium cards and 30k to 5 premium cards and 100k gold.

- Added empty default choice on market Create Buy Offer dialog to avoid mistakes.
- Added shield icon that is shown when you are in a protection area.
- Added tooltips to state icons in Inventory sidewindow.
- Fixed pushing from boiling brewing cauldron.
- Fixed getting skulls in arenas / warzones / party when in guild war mode.
- Fixed logging of deaths caused by nature.
- Fixed People list and Party sidewindow scrollbars sometimes not updating properly.
- Fixed possible scam via house transfer, it is no longer possible to increase price after a transfer has been initiated.
- Improved the login server to fix various small issues with character list loading.
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